Voice Banks: Megurine Luka & Hatsune Miku Composer:Ryuusei-P Descrip: A song about two girls who fall in love, even though the world around them sees lesbian love as forbidden. (which is stupid)
Voice Bank: Lily (THE NEW VOCALOID COMING OUT SOON FROM INTERNET CO.) Composer: Internet Co (official demo) Descrip: By japanese group m.o.v.e., Lily sings the song her voice bank provider, Masuda Yuri, originally sung.... as her demo!
Voice Bank: Kagamine Len Composer: halyosy Descrip: As Len sings the song, Fire Flower, he believes that he and Rin shouldn't be together, even though he loves her. In the end though, Len believes and wants to be together with Rin forever.
Voice Bank: Hatsune Miku Composer: Ryo Descrip: Do not cheat on or leave Miku for someone else. This video shows why. She is a woman scorned, but still in love with the guy who is with someone else, and she is declaring war for his heart.
Voice Bank: Kaito Composer: (I can't find it) Descrip: Shineba ii no ni means "I wish they'd just die." Enjoy knowing that fact and then listening to this song.